In addition the the unveiling of our autonomous implement carrier, you will get the opportunity to hear what several important players within norwegian agriculture and industry has to say about subjects such as autnomy and eletrification within agriculture, and the norwegian industrys role in Agtech R&D and manufacturing. The participants are
– Olaug Vervik Bollestad, Norwegian minister of Agricuture and Food
– Ole Erik Almlid, Director General of the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise
– Vigdis Harsvik, Director Innovation Norway Trøndelag
– Lars Petter Bartnes, Director Norwegian Agrarian Association (Norges bondelag)
– Lars Bendik Austmo, Station research station manager NIBIO
– Bjørn Damhaug, CEO FI
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NB! The event will be held in Norwegian language, but there should be some eye pleasing moments for the international audience.